My Blog

By LolaRose-Miley

Monday, 15 November 2010

My friends blog

Ok so I have a friend called Amanta and she has a blog at and my other friend has a blog at
So check them out! Oh and if you have a blog then please tell me and I will visit and comment!
(and maybe I will mention your blog here...



  1. Hello im a follower. Hi U ROCK because you have;
    told people to look on my blog

    i swear down you could get more views because of me because out of all time history (this is going to be a long comment)

    347 people from the uk has looked on my blog
    80 people from United States looked on my blog
    5 from Germany
    1 from Argentina
    1 from Austrailia
    1 from Ireland
    1 from India
    1 from the Phillippenes

    and 1 from Tunisia Have already looked on my blog and counting. thats nearlly 450 people looked on my blog so LOTS OF PEOPLE could look on your blog. Its wierd because
    only about 3 or 4 people have commented on my blog

    From Connor to "a very happy lolarose-miley"

  2. Connor. You have now idea how happy I am.
    BUT IT IS WAY HAPPY!!! :-)
