My Blog

By LolaRose-Miley

Saturday, 13 November 2010

The Lantern Trail. (and SweetLily)

Have you completed the lantern trail? If you have tell me what you think of it! I completed it with my friend Ellie yesterday. It was fun both of us walking round the trail turning on all the lanterns. It was very dark but the lanterns made it brighter. Whad finished and we were at our prize when  Ellie screamed with laughter! I asked what was so funny, and she told me that the prize was just perfect for the weather we were having!


Oh! So sorry! Everyone this is SweetLily. She might post some times so keep a look out!

Yeah! Hi everyone! I will write in green so you know it's me.

So anyway. You should all post and say hi to SweetLily!

           LolaRose & SweetLily


  1. Hey Lola help how do u add links to blogs?


    Amanta ;)

  2. Hi SweetLily! LolaRose-Miley I love your blog and I love Amanta's blog too! And I love Connor's blog as well!

    LolaRose's Biggest Fan (LRBF)
